5 most interesting but dangerous places of the World

  1. Lake Nyos, Cameron:

Though this lake is so attractive, because everyone wants to know about the weirdness of this lake? But frankly speaking, this lake is very dangerous. It is located in Northwest Region of Cameron. Apparently it looks normal and beautiful. But actually it isn’t normal.  It is located above the inactive Volcano line. That’s why eruption of Carbon dioxide had been seen from beneath of the lake. It spreads in the surrounding of this lake. All above mentioned factors makes this lake mysterious and deadly. In the event of 21st August 1986, this kind of eruption caused death of hundreds of people. In fact nothing was safe in that night over the area of 15 miles around the Lake. Though this lake is very dangerous, but it is an interesting spot for the people who like adventures. That’s why this place comes first in my list of “5 most interesting but dangerous places of the world.”Nyos_scenic

  1. Death Valley:

It is also known as World’s hottest place. It is desert valley located in California. Interesting thing about this place is that it is located 86meter below sea level. But most interesting thing about this valley is severe and deadly heat. This valley holds world record of highest ever recorded air temperature. But it doesn’t mean this place is not beautiful. If you want to experience a real adventure then you have to visit this place.  This place is not easy to visit when heat is on peak. Deadly snakes and some other dangerous and creepy animals had been seen there. Therefore your survival is not that easy if you want to explore this whole valley. You cannot find water and food in this place. This heat, drought and other tough conditions can be havoc for you. But those people who like adventures found this place very attractive.deathvalley-dryshampoo

  1. Half Dome:

This place is wonderful, because Half Dome hike is a great challenge. If you think that you’re a good hiker then you should go to this place. This place is located 8,800 feet above the sea level. You’re not the great hiker till than you successfully hike this place. Your life is not secure, if you made a single mistake. Then it’s not possible to find out your all body parts together. Average hike time is 10-14 hours of this track. But every single second is full of thrill. You can also witness beautiful and huge waterfalls there. Don’t visit or try to hike this place in bad weather conditions. Black bears can be around you during your whole journey. You have to be very strong so you can make your way to top of the mountain.Half-Dome-Fire-1024x688

  1. Death Road:

The world’s most dangerous road is located in Bolivia. It has a length of 37.9 miles. But this place is very famous spot for the Bike riders. Your journey starts from the height of height of 11,800 feet. From the snow covered plains you have to move downward towards steaming Amazonian Forest.  Your ride on this track will be full of suspense. An estimated stat says that 200 to 300 people die’s there yearly. Wildlife of this hill station included Snakes, Parrots, and Monkeys etc. make this place more interesting. But this danger attracts the tourists from all over the world. You need to drive very carefully and precisely so you can reach your destination safely.78916

  1. Java and Sumatra:

This place is just beautiful. Green lush valleys, lakes, diverse culture and delicious local foods everything is just perfect. But the bad aspect of this place is abundance of earthquakes. This natural disaster caused havoc for the locals and tourists many times. Floods are very frequent there, volcanic activity probably can occur. Landslides, drought and tsunami could be possible. This place has diverse rain forest. Wildlife of these Islands is wide with Sumatran tiger, orangutans, pygmy elephants and Sumatran rhinos. Due to this diverse wildlife, climate and devastation this place becomes at number five in my list. But it’s different you have to visit there and all above mentioned places. They are dangerous but they have a lot of interesting stuff.Java-and-Sumatra-Indonesia

Written by:

Shoaib Rasheed

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28 thoughts on “5 most interesting but dangerous places of the World

  1. Wows o much knowledge at 8:00 am, it took me 15 minutes to read… BUT I learnt something. Thank you… I always say … knowledge is power! Power to the people.
    Have a great and peaceful weekend… my friend.

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