5 important lessons we can learn from failures

There is a very important thing known as failure. Such people who always avoid from failures are the most unlucky and unhappiest persons of the world.  I would like to mention Michael Jordan here “I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” That is enough explanation to justify success behind failures.


  1. You need more improvements:

Yes, after failure you’ll realize that you need more improvement and more hard work. You can understand your weak points in a better way. You are able to compare your work with the work of successful people. If you lost your power to fight and to struggle then your failures will make you a failed person. Those who are good learners will keep trying with positive aggression. And such people are actually unstoppable. One day you will stand in line of successful people.if-you-want-to-improve-yourself-stop-asking-how-you-can-improve-yourself

  1. Internally you will become stronger:

It is possibly most important lesson you can learn from failures. You have ability to show patience whatever happens in the future. Patience is very beautiful quality and it can excel you towards success. It can work either in good or bad time. You will get strong internally which will lead you to admirable success. People of this category are unbeatable and unforgettable.why-am-i-doing-this

  1. You can understand things in a better way:

It’s an amazing fact that after failure you will become more realistic and practical person. You will observe everything differently now. Acts like a group of ants carrying one grain of sugar and marching towards top-they fall again and again but they never give up. At least we are stronger than this kind of insects and we can tolerate much better than them. These all things would matter more after failure you have.7658824292_1d29ec0c73_c

  1. You will feel first time that goal is achievable:

It is the most important secret of the failure. When you have tried to reach your destination you were nearer to your goal than ever before.  You have a good believe now in yourself because you had seen your every quality. If you are an ambitious person you will move forward with better approach and strategy so you can achieve your goal.790954802912742694

  1. You have no fear of failure anymore:

Yes, you have no fear of any loss or failure. Because you already had seen it, now you have feeling that everything is possible for you. A person who was stopping you from inside was your fear but now there is no one can stop you. And this quality will lead you a massive success. Therefore if you keep avoiding from any loss, damage or failure you will learn less and that’s why you have no possibility to become a successful person.

Remember this quote forever

“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Winston Churchill


Written by:

Shoaib Rasheed

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44 thoughts on “5 important lessons we can learn from failures

  1. The only problem is when everyone wants to see you fail because they are so envious of the fact that you are born a winner . Truth is no one is born a winner , there is a metal of bouncing back in he winner . Since they love what they do and not necessarily winning. That keeps them going after many failures and man made disasters.
    Brilliant post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post. Those that never fail are likely playing it pretty safe in life. I don’t know anyone who goes out there, and doesn’t fail. Staying on the sidelines may feel safe, but so much is lost and unfulfilled. A life of regrets is tough baggage to carry.


      1. Yes, of course success and failure both exist, but just because something exists doesn’t mean one has to gravitate towards it. Not does failure’s existence dictate one has to go through it in order to reach success. They are opposite ends of a scale – choose one or the other. Choose a goal, consult people who have achieved it and learn from them. Split your route towards success into small, easily achievable steps. Succeed small, then bigger and finally you will be able to reach your goal successfully without failing once. If you fail to plan then you are indeed planning to fail. If you make no preparations at all, and try a big goal immediately, then you will probably fail. In that case, you can comfort yourself with this philosophy. It’s better not to go down this route, though.
        Still – it’s your choice – go for it!

        Liked by 3 people

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    Rules of the challenge: 1.Three quotes for three days. 2.Three nominees each day (no repetition). 3.Thank the person who nominated you. 4.Inform the nominees.

    (Couldn’t find an email, so posting here) 🙂 Good day to you.

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